Friday, November 16, 2007

In Defense of Ann Coulter

I found it hard to type the title of this post. Defending Ann Coulter is not only difficult to do, but can leave a bad taste in one's mouth. Although I have not read any of her books, I find her to be unnecessarily insulting and confrontational in her public appearances. It seems that when given an opportunity to either debate the issues or deliver a zinging insult, she usually chooses the later. We all know that politics is a rough business, however, book titles like "If Democrats had any Brains they Would be Republicans" lower the already dismal level of discourse in this country. Someone with her obvious intellect should aspire to a higher level.
Ann is now in trouble for an interview she gave on the Donny Deutsch Show on October 8th. Who knew Donny Deutsch had a show? Actually, who is Donny Deutsch? I have no idea. My brother, Seth, brought this to my attention and I found a clip of the show on YouTube.
On the show, Donny asked Ann what the America of her dreams would be like. After much baiting, he got her to say that she would desire for everyone to be Christians. You can see the interview here Donny was then offended by her statement and said that it was hateful and anti-Semitic. She attempted to explain her statement and to assure him that she did not mean to be offensive, but he would have none of it.
Despite all the things she gets wrong, and the things she gets right but says in the worst possible way, Ann Coulter was right about this one. She correctly stated traditional, orthodox Christian belief. Christians have always believed that our faith has exclusive access to the truth of God's message for mankind. Christ, in his own words, said that He was the way, the truth and the life and that no one could come to God the Father but through Him. There is no more exclusive, exclusionary statement which could be made and it is straight from Jesus Himself. Christians believe that salvation comes as a free gift from God and that it is not a result of any merit on our part. But we also believe, that unless one places his or her faith in God, through Jesus, that they can not be saved from the result of their sin.
If you truly believe that your faith is the only hope for salvation how can you not wish that everybody would come to believe it as well. In fact, the only way it would be hateful was if you did not want everyone to share in the salvation that you have received as a free gift from God. This does not mean that anyone should be forced to convert or discriminated against in any manner for not being a Christian. It means that Christians honestly believe that the only way to God is through His son and that they want as many people as possible to share in the benefits of His grace by sharing that belief. True biblical faith looks beyond race, color, creed and gender and desires for everyone to come into a relationship with God through His son Jesus.
I honestly do not understand how that desire can be perceived as insulting or hateful. Other faith traditions have claims of exclusivity and truth. They say to me that I, as a Christian, have it all wrong. I am not insulted or offended by that. Certainly, I think they are wrong and Christianity is right. But, I respect their right to their beliefs and, as an American, will defend their right to believe whatever they want. That does not stop me from reaching out to them and sharing what I believe to be the truth.
Unfortunately, I don't think Ann Coulter is a good representative of our faith. I don't know her heart but her words are often offensive and hurtful. But, as a Christian, she is right to desire for all to come to faith in Jesus and should not be attacked for saying so.

A Good Conservative Buys a Hybrid

There were some sideways looks when I told my friends that I was selling my Toyota 4Runner and buying a hybrid. They probably remembered that over the years each time the price of gasoline went up and complaints were raised, I was the one who said that even at three dollars a gallon it was cheaper than it was in 1981 when adjusted for inflation. I was also known to be a doubter of all the alarming stories of "global warming," "global climate change" or "the World is Ending" (whatever we are calling it these days). So why did I do it? First, I need to establish my bona fides. I am a Republican, I have always been a Republican. I am also a conservative in the true sense of the word. I believe in small government, low taxes and am generally opposed to government regulation no matter how well intentioned it is. When it comes to environmental issues, I generally find myself on the side of individual property owners and business and opposed to the often unreasonable steps proposed by the major environmental organizations. So how did a person with such a history decide to buy a hybrid? More importantly, why am I telling you, conservative, liberal or nutjob, that you should do the same. There are certain reasons that did not motivate me. I was not motivated by the price of gas. I am blessed financially. My work provides me a very good salary and my family lives very comfortably. The thirty or so dollars a month I save driving my hybrid over my SUV was not a factor in my decision. I certainly understand that there are many people in this country who will notice that amount of money added to their monthly budget. However, most experts will tell you that it takes 5-7 years to make up the additional cost of the hybrid in fuel savings. As a purely financial question, you are better off buying a four cylinder car over a hybrid. I certainly knew that when I bought my hybrid and the savings in fuel costs was not a motivating factor. Saving the planet from Global Warming did not motivate me. Unless you have a doctorate in climatology you are kidding yourself if you think you understand this subject. I do not, so I don’t pretend to have any idea what the truth is. Yes, it seems clear that the planet is getting warmer. But why? Is it caused by mankind burning fossil fuels? What about variances in the amount of solar radiation the planet receives? What about natural releases of greenhouse gases (volcanoes, cows, etc.)? I was never convinced that driving my SUV was contributing to destroying the planet. So, likewise, I do not believe that switching to a hybrid is going to save it. If man-made global warming is true and my hybrid contributes to the solution, I consider it a bonus. So why did I decide to give up my SUV, which I loved, and buy a hybrid sedan? There were three reasons that motivated me and I believe should motivate true conservatives to think long and hard about taking steps to reduce the amount of gasoline you buy. The prevailing philosophy in America today is "have it all." We think, and it is reinforced in the media, that we should have and enjoy whatever we can afford. You see in our automobiles, the size of our homes and ridiculous size of your pasta dish at Macoroni Grill. I have recently decided that I want to work towards living my life in a different way. I aspire to limiting myself more to what I need rather than just what I want. Do not get me wrong, I’m not selling my home and moving into a cave, but my wife has inspired me towards desiring less. Her family was never rich and often quite poor. They seldom had money for the frivolous or the luxurious. What some would have seen as grounds for complaint, she and her family translated into a virtue. She is wearing off on me. I can afford the gas. I could have afforded a much more expensive automobile. But why do it? I bought a very nice Toyota Camry. It has everything I need and more. As a hybrid, it allows me to use less gas than I can afford and would use with a SUV or a sporty sedan. A second reason that motivated me was the desire to promote hybrid technology. Gas/electric hybrid technology appears to me to be a very good approach to lessening our use of oil. As is always the case, the newer a technology or an idea, the more expensive it is going to be. The more hybrids that are sold, the less expensive they will become. I am able to afford the hybrid premium and do not mind paying the premium in the hope that it will ultimately make the technology more affordable for others. The first two reasons appealed to me in many ways. The last, and most important, spoke to me and my conservative nature the most. That reason has two names: Chavez and Ahmadinejad. For those of you who don’t know, Chavez is the President of Venezuela and Ahmadinejad is the President of Iran. Let me use their own words so you can see what motivates me. Chavez "(Bush is a ) spokesman of imperialism (who is trying) to preserve the current pattern of domination, exploitation and pillage of the peoples of the world. An Alfred Hitchcock movie could use it as a scenario. I would even propose a title: 'The Devil's Recipe." (See ). Ahmadinejad The Persian Journal quotes Ahmadinejad as saying: "You [Western nations] will never be able to stand against the Muslims. God willing, the Muslims would disappoint those who embark on barbaric language against other religions. The so-called advocates of freedom and human rights regard blasphemy against prophet of Islam as freedom of expression, but, the same governments are being annoyed with questioning systematic crimes of Israel against Palestinians. They are annoyed with the fact that the modern world is thirsty for Islam and the Islamic culture.They have stood against [the] resurrection movement of Islam. They think that they can undermine the world nations’ faith in Islam with desecration of Islamic sanctities. But, the Muslim nations will give them a good lesson! (See 2/1/06). Chavez and Ahmadinejad, and their respective nations, sit on some of the largest oil reserves in the world. It is clear that Iran supports terrorism and terrorist organizations. Chavez was recently granted dictatorial powers in Venezuela and who knows how he will use them and the great amounts of oil money coming in each day. Their rhetoric, and the actions they take to back them up, are largely funded by the oil consumption of you and me. One of the greatest services we could all do for our county and the world would be to help send less money to these two guys. Every gallon of gas you use supports or drives up the price of oil. Iran, Venezuela and many other countries that have leaders or people that hate us are getting truckloads of cash as a result of their country’s oil reserves and using the money against us. All good conservatives, people who want the best for their country, should be motivated to reduce their oil consumption in order to keep money out of the hands of leaders in this world who mean us harm. That is why I bought a hybrd.